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Social Web

The End of Client Services

G+ is a great example of the importance of UX in social.

“(…) a new economic paradigm in which the act of producing and consuming are one and the same, and he believes it’s upon us right now. I subscribe to this theory, and I believe its most fascinating expression takes the form of social software, in which there is no consumption unless its users produce, and there is no production unless its users consume. The secret sauce that starts this virtuous cycle is not just technology, but also user experience design.”

(Khoi Vinh ~ Subtraction)

Convergence 2.0 = Service + Social + Physical

“The internet is becoming a sort of operating system, providing networked services to applications; online social networks are evolving into communications and identity platforms; and boundaries between the virtual world and the physical world are increasingly blurred. These changes are not independent; they are connected and mutually reinforcing. Service, social, and physical are converging.”

(Hugh Dubberly ~ Dubberly Design Office) – courtesy of adaptivepathblog

Conversation is the New Attention

“In a world where every piece of information can, with a single tap on a pocket-sized glass screen, lead to more and more information, our ideas need to move faster, people need to share ideas and bounce them off of each other more spontaneously than ever, anytime, anywhere. Public speaking technology has not kept pace with the technology of everything else.” (Christopher Fahey and Timothy Meaney ~ A List Apart)

The Five Models Of Content Curation

“Content Curation is a term that describes the act of finding, grouping, organizing or sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific issue. It is such a powerful idea because curation does NOT focus on adding more content/noise to the chaotic information overload of social media, and instead focuses on helping any one of us to make sense of this information by bringing together what is most important.” (Rohit Bhargava ~ IMB)

Proceedings: First Workshop on Social Interaction in Spatially Separated Environments (.pdf)

“(…) inspired by the idea that social relationships play a key role in our everyday lives. They are responsible for our well-being, for a productive working atmosphere, and for feeling part of our various communities. Today, as we are often working and living separated from our relatives, friends and co-workers, it is more important than ever to develop methods to stay connected in a global word. It is the goal of SISSI to seek for such methods in order to achieve a feeling of togetherness, presence and closeness between spatially separated professional or private social groups and individuals. Research on social interaction in spatially separated environments is an active and emerging field of studies.” (SISSI 2010)

Education and the Social Web: Connective learning and the commercial imperative

“In this paper, I argue that commercial social networks are much less about circulating knowledge than they are about connecting users (‘eyeballs’) with advertisers; it is not the autonomous individual learner, but collective corporate interests that occupy the centre of these networks. Looking first at Facebook, Twitter, Digg and similar services, I argue their business model restricts their information design in ways that detract from learner control and educational use. I also argue more generally that the predominant ‘culture’ and corresponding types of content on services like those provided Google similarly privileges advertising interests at the expense of users. Just as commercialism has rendered television beyond the reach of education, commercial pressures threaten to seriously limit the potential of the social Web for education and learning.” (Norm Friesen ~ First Monday 15.12)

Social Serendipity

“The explosion of communication technologies has made long-range interactions between individuals increasingly easy. Paradoxically this ‘virtual’ shrinking of the world, through constant access to contacts across the globe, often isolates us from those in our immediate vicinity. However, as mobile phone evolve to break computing free of the desktop and firmly roots itself in daily life, we have an opportunity to mediate, mine, and now even augment our current social reality. We are beginning to see advances in communication technology that will enable face-to-face connections between strangers and make a profound impact on our society.” (MIT Reality Mining)

Usability testing is broken: Rethinking user research for social interaction design

“Everything is social. Scale is the game changer. Tasks aren’t what you think they are. User satisfaction may be about control. Users are continuously designing your UI. I invite you to work with me on rethinking how we’re doing user research and usability testing for what’s really happening in the world: fluid, context-dependent, relationships mediated by technology. (…) The nature of online is social.” (Dana Chisnell ~ Usability Testing)

The innovations of social media

“The challenge ahead of us will be to innovate social tools in ways that continue to capture and expand audience and uses. Somebody, somewhere, will always have to take a risk — with technology, design, functionality, and social practices. It’s my hope that we can mitigate these risks with smarter thinking about what works for people and why, supplementing our design choices with educated guesswork, relying less on market forces and business-minded entrepreneurship.” (Adrian Chan ~ Johnny Holland Magazine)

A theory of digital objects

“Digital objects are marked by a limited set of variable yet generic attributes such as editability, interactivity, openness and distributedness. As digital objects diffuse throughout the institutional fabric, these attributes and the information–based operations and procedures out of which they are sustained install themselves at the heart of social practice. The entities and processes that constitute the stuff of social practice are thereby rendered increasingly unstable and transfigurable, producing a context of experience in which the certainties of recurring and recognizable objects are on the wane. These claims are supported with reference to 1) the elusive identity of digital documents and the problems of authentication/preservation of records such an identity posits and 2) the operations of search engines and the effects digital search has on the content of the documents it retrieves.” (Jannis Kallinikos, Aleksi Aaltonen, and Attila Marton ~ First Monday Volume 15, Number 6)

Physical Place and CyberPlace: The Rise of Personalized Networking

“Computer networks are social networks. Social affordances of computer supported social networks–broader bandwidth, wireless portability, globalized connectivity, personalization–are fostering the movement from door-to-door and place-to-place communities to person-to-person and role-to-role communities. People connect in social networks rather than in communal groups. In-person and computer-mediated communication are integrated in communities characterized by personalized networking.” (Barry Wellman 2001)

The Synaptic Web

“The purpose of this document is to present a straw man overview of emerging trends on the next generation web. We encourage participation and conversation about these proposals so that we, as participants in this ecosystem, can come to a communal understanding our current and emerging opportunities for the web.” (Khris Loux, Eric Blantz, and Chris Saad) – courtesy of ruurdpriester

Workshop on Search and Social Media

“It is my pleasure to report on the 3rd Annual Workshop on Search in Social Media, a gathering of information retrieval and social media researchers and practitioners in an area that has captured the interest of computer scientists, social scientists, and even the broader public.” (Daniel Tunkelang)