
InfoDesign supports the growth and application of information design. Information design helps people and organizations achieve understanding through the creation of relevant, clear and memorable information.

InfoDesign is dedicated to the growth and improvement of the information and experience industries through the provision of a centralized online resource that serves all interested audiences. Launched in 1997, the site will continually evolve to meet the needs and desires of its participants. InfoDesign is a not-for-profit informational resource.

InfoDesign is curated by Peter J. Bogaards (a.k.a. @BogieZero).


1994 – Yuri Engelhardt starts ‘InfoDesign’: a moderated mailing list about information design.

1995 – A second (unmoderated) mailing list is started by Yuri Engelhardt: ‘InfoDesign-Café’. An editorial team is formed which initially consists of (the late) Piet Westendorp and Karel van der Waarde. Karen Schriver, Conrad Taylor and Alan Davis join shortly after.

1997 – Peter J. Bogaards launches the website ‘InfoDesign: To surf the community’ aiming to be a daily resource for various design-related disciplines.

1999 – Karel van der Waarde takes over from Yuri Engelhardt as list owner and moderator of the InfoDesign and InfoDesign-Café lists. Editors are Alan Davis, Yuri Engelhardt, Karen Schriver, Conrad Taylor and Piet Westendorp.

2000 – A website is set up to accompany and support the mailing lists. Yuri suggests its domain ‘InformationDesign.org’. The site is designed by Conrad Taylor.

2004 – ‘InfoDesign: To surf the community’ and ‘InformationDesign.org’ merge into a single site: ‘InfoDesign: Understanding by Design’. This merger is motivated and supported by Dirk Knemeyer. ‘InformationDesign.org’ now hosts the InfoDesign weblog, the mailing lists and their archives.

2014 – InfoDesign gets completely redesigned, based upon the latest technologies and fit for mobile, social and more sharing. Principles guiding the redesign are relevancy, simplicity, and typography.


‘InfoDesign: Understanding by Design’ would not have been possible without the valuable contributions from Paul Jongsma and Ronald Vendelmans (technology), Ruurd Priester and Nico ten Hoor (visual design), and Karel van der Waarde (content).


InfoDesign is a work of love, devotion, and attention. It’s my donation to the community I care about.

If you appreciate the value it has for you, you can support it. Just donate your bitcoins (BTCs) to 1NF3whoyJ9DTBEmVRKahUKEoSktmhCQrWN.

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