All posts from
March 2007

The Future of the World Wide Web

Testimony of Sir Timothy Berners-Lee (CSAIL Decentralized Information Group – Massachusetts Institute of Technology) before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce (Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet). Hearing on the ‘Digital Future of the United States: Part I – “(…) some of my experience of having designed the original foundations of the Web, what I’ve learned from watching it grow, and some of the exciting and challenging developments I see in the future of the Web.” (Tim Berners-Lee)

Instructional Text in the User Interface: Some Counterintuitive Implications of User Behaviors

“User assistance occurs within an action context—the user doing something with an application – and should appear in close proximity to the focus of that action – that is, the application it supports. The optimal placement of user assistance, space permitting, is in the user interface itself. We typically call that kind of user assistance instructional text.” (Mike HughesUXmatters)

UIE Web App Summit 2007 (Part I/II/III)

“The UIE Web App Summit took place at the Monterey Marriott, in Monterey, California, U.S.A., on January 21st through 23rd, 2007. It drew a capacity crowd of 218 people, who had traveled from far and wide to attend the event. While most attendees came from the United States and Canada, nine came from the UK and Europe and four hailed from Oceania and Asia.” (Pabini Gabriel-PetitUXmatters)

Ajax and the Old World

“Today, complex layout methods have made it possible to borrow from interaction patterns of desktop applications, including drop down menu bars, expanding trees and tabs. It’s this exact inevitable shift of desktop application design patterns to the page metaphor that has more than often led to confusion amongst both web designers and end users. In this era of AJAX en RIAs, the possibilities for user interface designers have become infinite. Hence the question arises: Have all of these developments actually led to an improved user experience?” (Cornelis Kolbachcornae)