All posts from
May 2006

PERMID 2006: Papers and Slides

“Mobile devices have become a pervasive part of our everyday lives. People have mobile phones, smartphones and PDAs which they take with them almost everywhere. So far these mobile devices have been mostly used for phone calls, writing short messages and organizer functionalities. Today we see that the development of context-aware services for mobile phones which often take the user, her situation and location into account.” (Enrico Rukzio et al.)

Usability Body of Knowledge

“The Usability Body of Knowledge (BoK) project is dedicated to creating a living reference that represents the collective knowledge of the usability profession. Preliminary work has started, but there is more to do. This website introduces the subject areas that will eventually be included in the Usability Body of Knowledge and a preview of what to come.” (About Usability BoK)

Convivio Network

“(…) the European Thematic Network for the human-centered design of interactive technologies. Convivio supports and promotes the development of ‘convivial technologies’, ICT products, systems and services that enhance the quality of everyday life and human interaction.” (About Convivio) – congrats fabio!

Tufte Story: AnswerBook

“(…) we lured him into our usability lab to look at the user interface for Answerbook, of which were were very proud. (…) He played with our AnswerBook for about 90 seconds, turned around, and pronounced his review: ‘Dr Spock’s Baby Care is a best-selling owner’s manual for the most complicated ‘product’ imaginable — and it only has two levels of headings. You people have 8 levels of hierarchy and I haven’t even stopped counting yet. No wonder you think it’s complicated.'” ( Design, Usability & Other Stuff) – courtesy of jasonkottke

The Guided Wireframe Narrative for Rich Internet Applications

“It is true that RIAs make our jobs harder. But it is also true that they introduce some very exciting opportunities that can significantly improve user experience and flow. The Guided Wireframe Narrative technique allowed us to quickly and accurately articulate different design dimensions using familiar tools and techniques. If the job fits the technique, it’s a win-win.” (Andres ZapataBoxes and Arrows)

The Role of Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction

Position papers of the workshop – “On 6 September 2005 twenty participants from England, Scotland, Wales, Northen Ireland, the United States, Sweden, and Germany met to discuss about emotion and their role in HCI. We actually found that there are so many aspects of HCI related to emotion, and of emotion related to HCI, that we won’t be able to discuss them all on one day (what surprise!).” (Emotion in HCI)

Interview with Mimi Ito

“While designers often consider the different developments that emerge in both the east and the west, few scholars consider how technological design is connected to cultural practice. One exception is Mizuko (Mimi) Ito, an anthropologist who investigates new media use, particularly amongst young people in Japan and the United States. Her work ranges from mobile phone (keitai) practices to fandom, online game play to remix culture. Her edited volume ‘Personal, Portable and Pedestrian’ was just recently published, giving English-speaking scholars an opportunity to access Japanese media research. Because her cross-cultural work is of great value to designers, Ambidextrous decided to interview her to learn more.” (Danah BoydAmbidextrous Preview issue 3)

Cross-Cultural User Experience Design PDF Logo

“Modern technology and commerce permit global distribution of products and services; User diversity: Ever increasing variety of group demographics and individual needs/wants; Traditional user interface design and usability disciplines (to improve performance and productivity); User experience design issues: Even more complex and challenging; Cultural analysis offers a way to understand, even measure, differences and similarities of UX.” (Aaron Marcus)

ASIS&T Euro IA 2006: Call for Papers

Deadline: June 15, 2006 – “The Second European Information Architecture (IA) Summit’s focus is building our practice in Europe. The objective of the event is to bring together a number of disciplines and practitioner communities by providing a stimulating environment for debate and an opportunity for establishing cooperation. This community is not just limited to language or region, but all encompasses our specialisations like designing for mobile devices, and multilingual solutions. We are calling for papers that reflect those communities of practice, language and location.” (Euro IA 2006)

Book Review: Paper Prototyping

“Carolyn Snyder’s Paper Prototyping: The Fast and Easy Way to Design and Refine User Interfaces provides the only complete guide to paper prototyping. It teaches you everything you need to know to successfully do paper prototyping and offers many practical tips. However, only about a third of the book is actually about doing paper prototyping. The majority of the book’s content comprises a basic reference on usability testing. While some of the information on usability testing describes how to test paper prototypes, most of it is applicable to any type of usability testing. If you’re already an expert in usability testing, you may not find this information as useful, but Snyder has honed her approach to usability testing over her many years of experience as a usability professional and provides a wealth of practical information.” (Pabini Gabriel-PetitUXmatters)

Developing the Invisible

“During my years as an interface designer, I’ve worked with lots of different development teams. From big companies to small startups, the interactions between me—the product designer—and developers have been pretty consistent. We work through what interactions and features are possible given our timeframe and resources. We discuss edge cases and clarify how specific interactions should work. We debate product strategy, information architecture, target audience, front-end technologies, and more. We also frequently encounter the same issue: the need to consider what’s not there.” (Luke WroblewskiUXmatters)

Deconstructing the Mobile Web

“The mobile user experience does not fit into the browser-like box within which people are conceiving its potential capabilities today. The sooner we conceive of mobile-computing paradigms along their own continuum—detached from the original evolution of the World Wide Web—the sooner we will enjoy the potential of a mobile-computing world.” (Dirk KnemeyerUXmatters)