All posts from
March 2005

The importance of seduction and curiosity

“The brain is tuned to mirror the behavior of others, so if your passionate curiosity is stronger than the other person’s passive disinterest, you have a chance to ‘infect’ the other person. It’s not just that you know what’s exciting, wonderful, fascinating about a topic — it’s that you genuinely feel it, and this is reflected in the way you talk about it, not just the actual content of your words. Passion breaks through.” (Kathy SierraCreating Passionate Users)

Interaction Design Encyclopedia

“If you feel something is missing, please suggest a term or contribute to the encyclopedia. You can get notified when additions are made to the encyclopedia! You may also track changes in the Encyclopedia using the RSS News Feed Service. There are currently 30 entries in the encyclopedia (86 under preparation).” (Mads Soegaard) – courtesy of guuui

Community Blogging

“Basically I have four sections. I’ll talk a wee bit about what constitutes a community. I’m going to rant and rave against the concept of the long tail. I’m going to explore Wittgensteinian theories of meaning. I’m going to talk about distributed network semantics. Now this may sound like it has nothing to do with community, but my intent here is to try to reframe your thoughts on what community is, what community on the web is, and what a community of bloggers is.” (Stephen Downes) – courtesy of petervandijck

CPH127: Design + Innovation

“This is a brand spanking new blog about the major influence of design as a motor for innovation, and like wise the other way around. We are neither 100% design-focused nor are we 100% business-focused. Our team consists designers, MBAs, dot-com entrepreneurs and all the other folks you would never expect to be on this kind of blog.” (About CPH127) – courtesy of kelake

How to build a better web browser

“I’m in the lucky minority of people that have actually designed successful browsers, or parts of them, for any length of time, and with Firefox and Opera in the headlines, and the art of browser design becomes important again, I thought I’d write down some of what I know. Its been years since I was a program manager on the Internet Explorer project, but I’ve maintained interests in the design of navigation and searching systems of all kinds: what follows is a rough summary of what I’ve learned.” (Scott Berkun) – courtesy of lawrence lee

Information Esthetics: Lecture Series One

“Making data meaningful – this phrase could describe what dozens of professions strive for: Wall Street systems designers, fine artists, advertising creatives, computer interface researchers, and many others. Occasionally something important happens in these practices: a data representation is created that reveals the subject’s nature with such clarity and grace that it both informs and moves the viewer. We both understand and care. This is the focus of Information Esthetics.” (Chelsea Art Museum) – courtesy of victor lombardi

The Consumer Infotronics Industry

“(…) I think that the iPod represents the tip of the iceberg. The iPod heralds the emergence of a new 21st century industry that I will call, for lack of a better set of words, consumer infotronics. The reason why we need a new term to describe this industry (versus calling it a new category) is that it is about going beyond what the consumer electronics industry currently represents.” (John MaedaSimplicity)

Component Content Management in Practice

“As the market for content management technology continues to grow, so too do the ways in which organizations seek to use content management. What began as a market focused on web content management has grown to include document management, digital asset management, and records management. What has emerged along with this growth is the use of the umbrella term Enterprise Content Management (ECM) to describe a broad, enterprise-class platform of content management technology that can handle all kinds of content.” (Bill Tripp – The Gilbane Report) – courtesy of elearningpost

Conversation with Richard Saul Wurman

“I had an epiphany at about twenty years of age, a true momentary epiphany. It had nothing to do with making things understandable for the world. It had to do with my own ignorance. Everything comes from that terrifying moment, that milli-second, that terrifying moment of utter truth that I understood that I understood nothing. Understanding what it is like not to understand is the one thing that touches every part of my life, Even at those times when I am engaged in fun, games, frivolity, glitzy stuff and making a fool of myself it always comes from that moment, the moment when I am an empty bucket.” (GK VanPatter – NextD Journal 6.1)