All posts from
April 2004

The Matrix of W3C Specifications

“The specifications in the Matrix are at least at Last Call stage, except if they are working on a Test Suite at Working Draft stage. An empty cell means that the data is either not available or not known by the maintainers of the Matrix. The Matrix contains 70 Recommendations, 18 Candidate Recommendations, 0 Proposed Recommendations and 15 Last Call Working Drafts.” (W3C)

SIGWEB interview with Douglas Engelbart

“Firstly, can I ask if you’re a regular visitor to the Hypertext Conference? – No, sorry to say. Possibly been over a decade; I think in Texas, and Tim B-L described the plans that turned into the WWW. (…) In terms of the concepts and innovations I’ve been trying to communicate to the world, I seriously feel that I have been a persistent failure.” (Simon Harper – SIGWEB)

The nonsense of ‘knowledge management’

“Examines critically the origins and basis of ‘knowledge management’, its components and its development as a field of consultancy practice. Problems in the distinction between ‘knowledge’ and ‘information’ are explored, as well as Polanyi’s concept of ‘tacit knowing’. The concept is examined in the journal literature, the Web sites of consultancy companies, and in the presentation of business schools. The conclusion is reached that ‘knowledge management’ is an umbrella term for a variety of organizational activities, none of which are concerned with the management of knowledge. Those activities that are not concerned with the management of information are concerned with the management of work practices, in the expectation that changes in such areas as communication practice will enable information sharing.” (T.D. Wilson – Information Research 8.1)

KM Reinventing IA Reinventing KM

“Maybe my error is in assuming that KM is a field like IA, when perhaps it’s really more an industry, dominated by vendors, where practice is almost a dirty word. Kind of like content management (although the CM professionals are getting uppity and organized). Perhaps there is more synergy between fields (e.g. IA and usability) than between a field of practice and an industry.” (Louis Rosenfeld et al.)

Searching versus Finding: Why Systems Need Knowledge to Find What You Really Want

“Read about how one would query to retrieve the longest word in the English language: is it ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’ (a possible answer) or possibly ‘pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis’ (a better answer?) According to Bill: These tasks will require systems that can determine what passages are saying and reason with the resulting knowledge, and they will require additional sources of knowledge and advancements in automated reasoning. An active research area devoted to question-answering is currently pursuing such goals.” (W.A. Woods – Sun Microsystems Laboratories)

Gurus v. Boggers Design Shoutout

“Playing for the Gurus: Richard Saul Wurman, Bruce Tognazzi, Peter Merholz, Jakob Nielsen, Edward Tufte, Gerry McGovern, Donald Norman, and Andrei Herasimchuk. (…) Playing for the Bloggers: Jeffery Zeldman, D. Keith Robinson, Andy Budd, Didier Hilhorst, John Gruber, Greg Storey, John Hicks, and Josh Williams. (…) The Bloggers win in a shut-out, 8 to 0. A total Guru smackdown. Completely knocked out of the ring.” (Andrei HerasimchukDesign by Fire)

Fundamental issues with open source software development

“The lack of focus on user interface design causes users to prefer proprietary software’s more intuitive interface. Open Source software tends to lack the complete and accessible documentation that retains users. Developers focus on features in their software, rather than ensuring that they have a solid core. (…) If Open Source software wishes to become widely used and embraced by the general public, all issues will have to be overcome.” (Michelle Levesque – First Monday 9.4)

The Indirect Authoring Paradigm: Bringing Hypertext into the Web

“Building hypertext systems to provide the required functionality to write hypertexts has always been a goal of hypertext research. The parallel development of hypertext research prototypes and the World Wide Web has resulted in repeated attempts to replace the Web or offer world-wide all-purpose services to augment the Web with ‘missing’ functionality.” (Hartmut ObendorfJournal of Digital Information)

Information Architecture: A Rose by Any Other Nameā€¦

“As more web practitioners have assumed the title of Information Architect to describe the work they do, and as more information architects (and user experience designers and user interface designers and information designers) are multitasking on reduced staffs, information architects have uncovered a wide range of ways to view both the practice and ourselves practicing.” (Lynn StottBoxes and Arrows)