All posts from
November 2003

The importance of documentation: Discover what’s missing in today’s documentation efforts, and why it’s gone

“As documentation decreases in quality, users stop turning to it. As users stop turning to it, companies stop trying to maintain it – why bother, if the users won’t read it? This line of reasoning is dooming the future of documentation to failure. Documentation is important and needs to be taken seriously.” (Peter SeebachIBM developerWorks) – courtesy of lawrence lee

Live help systems: An approach to intelligent help for web information systems 

“Since the creation of the World-Wide Web we have seen a great growth in the complexity of Web sites. There has also been a large expansion in number of Web sites and in amount of usage. As a consequence, more and more Web site users are having problems accomplishing their tasks, and it is increasingly important to provide them with support.” (Johan AbergAdaptive Hypertext & Hypermedia)

EIDC newsletter

“The European Information Development Conference is the first European high quality event for professionals dealing with multilingual product information such as technical writers, web designers, documentation and information managers, translators, vendors. It provides an excellent platform for information and knowledge exchange between experts from the industry, researchers, education experts, service providers and free-lancers.” (TCeurope)


“Card Sorting is a methodology for assessing mental/conceptual models by asking users to categorize a list of terms. uzCardSort is open source (…)” (Andy Edmonds – mozdev) – courtesy of louis rosenfeld