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The Governance component of content strategy success

The larger the organization, the more important this component becomes.

“While all three components (creation, publication, governance) of the content strategy lifecycle are intended to be ongoing, it’s the Governance component that often requires the most dedication due to its never ending need for attention. Once content is created and published then it will forever need to be managed, maintained, optimised and compliant which leads to the age old question of ‘where to begin?'”

(Jessica O’Sullivan ~ Siteimprove)

Three digital governance challenges

Embedding in the existing organization. A big challenge for UX and CX management and staff.

“It’s time to leave the web sandbox and lead the organization into a deeper understanding of the power and use of digital channels. It’s time to inform and engage executives so that organizational expectations are reasonable and that they’re supported culturally and fiscally. So maybe you can clean up the mess in six months – but it’s going to take a lot of resources and a cultural shift that can probably only be directed from an executive level. Most likely though, tough ‘redesigns’ are going to be ongoing evolutions.”

(Lisa Welchman a.k.a. @lwelchman ~ WelchmanPierpoint)