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Service design

Introducing the off-stage experience

“Imagine having a friendly chat while waiting in line at the local bakery store or sitting next to someone with a too loud iPod in the public transport. In both situation your service experience is influenced even though you don’t have any direct interaction with the company providing the service. Companies and Service designers alike are missing out on a opportunity to improve the service experience while it’s unfolding right before their eyes.” – (Marc Fonteijn – 31Volts)

ETech 2009: The Dotted-Line World

“I presented a talk at ETech today. It links the capabilities of ubiquitous computing and intersects it with service design to come up with a justification for creating subscription-based services out of (certain) everyday objects. (…) We must think of service design as going beyond functionality and beyond monolithic lock-in, but as a process of addressing specific needs.” – (Mike KuniavskyOrange Cone)

Touchpoint: The Service Design Journal

“Finally! – We can now herald the outcome of the new Service Design Journal, Touchpoint, for March 2009. In cooperation with Continuum, we took some more time in order to make Touchpoint a really professional, entertaining and gainful magazine for all readers. The journal aims at creating a forum for discussion and debate amongst service organizations, professionals, students and educators of service design.” – (Service Design Network)

Service Thinking

“In the private sector and in the public sector there is enormous opportunity to increase the competitiveness and improve the effectiveness of services. The answer lies in Service Design and Service Thinking. (…) Our thinking is often a product of the past. This is compounded in a world where that past is all about product thinking. The future demands fresh perspectives. Service Thinking provides just that.” – (Ben Reason, Chris Downs and Lavrans Lovlie – live|work) – courtesy of risd

Economizer: A Cooper service concept

“People are looking for ways to economize in these uncertain times. We can all see the evidence of environmental crisis brewing alongside the economic downturn, and it’s easy to feel powerless in the face of such global forces. With politicians and businesses seeking avenues to a sustainable future, Cooper wondered how design might help individuals cut costs while also encouraging behavior that was environmentally responsible.” (Cooper Journal of Design)

Figuring out Service Design

“I’m sensing that designing for services is the Next Big Thing for UI designers. (…) Service design is principally about the choreography of situated moments of customer & business activity as a structured sequence (process) across multiple physical and digital ‘touchpoints’ (ex: signage, logo, store rep, phone call experience, customer service, packaging, instruction manual, website, etc.) which constitute a ‘service string’ or ‘customer journey’. The key term here is ‘choreography’ which implies a dramatic or theatrical quality of enactments of people over time.” (Uday GajendarGhost in the Pixel)

Service Design: What’s Next?

“I had several conversations about what service design is and how it might be different from other forms of design. This is a question I and others have had before. As a trained interaction designer, it was not difficult to transition to service design. In fact, there were only subtle differences that might be identified as different from interaction design. No one I talked to offered a clear definition, or a true distinction.” (Jamin Hegeman)