All posts from
September 2005

Google Blog Search

“Blog Search is Google search technology focused on blogs. Google is a strong believer in the self-publishing phenomenon represented by blogging, and we hope Blog Search will help our users to explore the blogging universe more effectively, and perhaps inspire many to join the revolution themselves.” (Google)

Guru Questionnaire 6

InfoDesign testimonial by Peter Morville – “I rely on InfoDesign by Peter J. Bogaards to keep up with current events in user experience, information architecture, and findability. I met Peter last year in Amsterdam. We had a wonderful dinner and an intense, fascinating conversation about our industry. InfoDesign stands testament to the value of passion, dedication, and human filtering in an age of automation. I use it every day.” (Online Information) – courtesy of usabilitynews.
thnx peter; much appreciated – ‘sharing knowledge is better than having it’

Leapin’ Lemurs

First Chapter of Ambient Findability by Peter Morville – “Findability is the biggest story on the Web today, and its reach will only grow as the tidal waves of channel convergence and ubiquitous computing wash over our shores. We will use the Web to navigate a physical world that sparkles with embedded sensors and geospatial metadata, even as we diminish the need to move our bodies through space. Mobile devices will unite our data streams in an evolving dance of informed consumers seeking collective intelligence and inspiration. And in this ambient economy, findability will be a key source of competitive advantage. Finders, keepers; losers, weepers.” (Peter – congrats with the book and the blog

Design as Glue: Understanding the Stanford

A conversation between GK VanPatter and David Kelley (Co-Founder of the Stanford Design Institute) – “(…) businesses today are looking for ways to become more innovative. Corporations are expecting that revenues will come primarily from new innovations, rather than simply sprucing up existing products and services. What we’ve learned from companies is that they’re looking for students to be able to come out and help them with their innovation strategy. Our goal at the is to train students to be innovators.” (NextD Journal 7.3)

The internet circa 2010: How to recognize the future when it lands on you

“The Adaptive User Environment suggests that the most successful technologies will be those that can fit user needs; proponents of ‘Not the Smart Internet’ want a simple, user-friendly web; Rich Media advocates want to be able to see ‘any content, on any device, in any format, at any time’; and the Chaos Rules school holds that the internet ‘may be in a continual state of decay and worsening disorder’. The report says ‘ubiquity will be the byword of the net’s future’. (…) Instead of the net society, it’s about the net in society. It will become this indispensable lifestyle tool.” (Smart Mobs) – courtesy of langemarkscafe

Blogging over Las Vegas: Seven Challenges to our Shared Mobile Future

“How will we explain to our children that before, when you wanted to call someone, you needed to stand against a wall? Mobile phones today have become ubiquitous, embedded into the fabric of everyday life. They have become a mobile essential. If someone owns a mobile phone today it is likely to be one of the three things that she always carries with her, the other two being keys and some form of payment.” (Marko Ahtisaari) – courtesy of purselipsquarejaw

What’s Happening

Programme of the Europe’s first information architecture summit – “‘Building our community’ is the theme of this inaugural European Summit. No, we are not talking about the EU. We are talking about our professional community – information architects and other people involved in structuring information for electronic media. And we want to see YOU!” (ASIS&T 2005 Euro IA)