All posts from
May 2003

Narrative User Interfaces

“Narrative user interfaces are based on the storytelling paradigm and set out to revolutionize the way people interact with computers. They promise to ultimately make computers accessible for everyone. Today’s graphical user interfaces, even though they have opened the computer to the masses, have reached their limits.” – (Gerd Waloszek – SAP Design Guild)

Affective Computing

“Affective computing is computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions. Our research focuses on creating personal computational systems endowed with the ability to sense, recognize and understand human emotions, together with the skills to respond in an intelligent, sensitive, and respectful manner toward the user and his/her emotions.” – (MIT Media Laboratory)

Operating Systems: Anatomy of a Poor Interface

“Interface utopia is either invisible or enhances the information or experience. After all, that is the purpose of the interface in the first place. The interface is simply a medium, one that should be as inconspicuous as possible. Due to the limitations of technology, we have become conditioned to believe that the interface is both something that we need to be aware of and a tangible part of an experience. That is simply not true.” – (Dirk Knemeyer – Thread Inc.)

Crafting a User Research Plan

“Every piece of user research is part of an ongoing research program, even if that program is informal. However, making a program formal provides a number of advantages: It gives you a set of goals, a schedule that stretches limited user-research resources, and results when they’re needed most. It also helps you avoid unnecessary, redundant, or hurried research.” – (Mike KuniavskyAdaptive Path)

What is a Library Anymore, Anyway?

“Libraries in the future will undertake local control, especially for long-term preservation and accessibility of digital as well as analog collections. Failure to embrace that role would cause libraries and librarians rapidly to lose relevance and value as Internet and other digital resources develop. Local control of collections is critical both to assure permanence and to provide a key degree of selectivity, which – contrary to the irrational exuberance of making everything available to everybody – is vital to providing service to communities of readers.” (Michael A. Keller, Victoria A. Reich, and Andrew C. Herkovic – First Monday 8.5)