Information Design: A journey from print to personal messaging
St. Bride Printing Library – Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London (UK)
April 28 – May 16, 2003 (Boag Associates)
All posts from
April 2003
Finding the Right Users
“There is no such thing as sound user research without an airtight user-selection process behind it. No matter how good the observation and analysis, it’s all for naught if you’ve studied the wrong people.” (Peter Merholz– Adaptive Path)
Eight is Not Enough
“With more users testing your site, you’ll get more feedback, find more problems, and have more data, but there may be some less obvious advantages as well.” (Christine Perfetti and Lori Landesman – User Interface Engineering)
Transforming e-Knowledge
“Knowledge can be understood as interpreted content, available to a member of a community and always shaped by a particular context. Digital representations of content and context become e-knowledge through the dynamics of human engagement with them. The digital elements of e-knowledge can be codified, combined, repurposed, and exchanged. Knowledge is both a thing and a flow, shifting between explicit and implicit states and between different meanings in different contexts.” (Donald M. Norris, Jon Mason and Paul Lefrere)
IA Summit 2003 Wrapup Part 1 & Part 2
“Spring is in the air and 400 +/- IAs are gathered together for networking, knowledge sharing, drinking, schmoozing, eating and drinking. It must be the annual ASIST IA Summit. Held in Portland, Oregon this year, the summit was well attended and seemed to be just what the doctor ordered.” (Boxes and Arrows Staff)
Programming for Information Architects
“You might have more in common with programmers than you think. Both programming and IA are mindsets oriented towards abstraction.” (Andrew Otwell – Boxes and Arrows)
Decoding Visual Language Elements in News Contents
“(…) if we wish to remain critical viewers of the news media in the midst of this image-driven, converging media landscape, we must develop equally sophisticated visual literacy skills.” (Kate Brigham – mfa thesis) – courtesy of xblog
Blurbs: Writing Previews of Web Pages
“On the web, a blurb is a line or short paragraph (20-50 words) that evaluates (or at least summarizes) what the reader will find at the other end of a link. A good blurb should inform, not tease. Usability testing will help you determine the best way to lay out your blurbs, but this document will help you write the content.” (Dennis G. Jerz) – courtesy of guuui
The Institute for End User Computing
“(…) to bring together the people and technologies needed to develop a simple, supple, secure, and sophisticated platform to make End User Computing an intuitive, enjoyable, and empowering experience for everyone.” (About IEUC) – courtesy of hypertextkitchen
Interaction Design History in a Teeny Little Nutshell
“Before computers there wasn’t ‘Interaction Design’. But most of the qualities we seek have been valued through the ages.” (Marc Rettig) – courtesy of fabio serge
Navigation Research
“A short time ago David Danielson posted a handy list of web navigation resources, and then it disappeared from the Internet. He was nice enough to send it to me, and I’m posting my own version with some of his links and some of my own (…)” (Victor Lombardi)
Intranet Portals: A Tool Metaphor for Corporate Information
“(…) to improve and evolve Web user interface technologies. Work includes formats and languages that add new interaction methods to the Web (e.g. speech recognition, multimodal access), as well as mechanisms for handling the increasing number of new Web access devices (mobile phones, PDAs, interactive television sets etc.).” (W3C) – courtesy of webword
Information Architecture Leadership Seminar: Additional Resources
“This seminar was a real success, generating great discussion and sparking quite a bit of networking. Thanks to everyone who participated!” (Peter Morville – AIfIA)
AIfIA Education Mailing List
“AIfIA-Education is an open, unmoderated list for discussing topics related to information architecture education. Educators, students, and other interested individuals are welcome to join.” (Victor Lombardi – AIfIA)
Lieke Looks Back @IA Summit 2003
“Did I learn new things? No, not really. Disappointing in a way, but on the other hand it’s good to see that Europeans aren’t doing so badly.” (Lieke van der Meer – Informaat)