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UX design, role-playing and micromoments

The theatre metaphor provides so much inspiration, insight and knowledge.

“Good interaction design is about attending to every moment that passes between a person and the device (or system, or service) with which he or she is interacting. These moments can be explicit, as with gestures, taps, a button-click, or the completion of a form field. Or, these moments may be more elusive, such as a pause while you try and understand what is being asked of you or how to answer. It’s these internal conversations that users have at any given moment that often get overlooked.”

(Stephen P. Anderson ~ UIE)

Core questions for service design

The theatre metaphor really helps our thinking on services.

“These questions continue to apply in prototyping, building and all the way to delivery of new services and on into business as usual. I’ve used these same questions in co-design sessions, putting them directly in the hands of participants as they work on being a part of their own products and services.”

(Stephen Collins ~ acidlabs)

Interaction as Performance

Theatre, method acting and stage performance are great metaphors, inspirations and analogies for digital product experiences.

“Our overall goal is to lay the foundations for a ‘dramaturgy of performance’ by establishing a framework of concepts—a language, if you like—to help express the different ways in which computers can be embedded into performative experiences. We intend this framework to guide practitioners and researchers who are entering the field of artistic, performance, and cultural applications of computing. However, we also aim to stimulate wider thinking in HCI in general around the changing nature of the extended user experience and the new challenges this raises.”

(Steve Benford and Gabriella Giannachi ~ ACM Interactions)

Bringing Drama to Service Design

A kind of method acting.

“We spoke with Adam StJohn Lawrence, who describes himself as a a customer experience and service design consultant, a professional comedian and an actor. Together with service innovator Markus Hormess working under the name of Work•Play•Experience, they use unique theatrical tools to help companies turn good services into memorable service experiences.”

(Design Transitions)

More Lessons in the Art of Empathetic Design and Spontaneity from Degas

Theatre and art as sources of UX inspiration. Just like “Art as Experience” (John Dewey, 1932)

“Degas may have said that he knew nothing of inspiration or spontaneity, but in reality, he knew their meaning better than most artists. More important, he understood the work that is necessary to make either happen. So, I continue to be fascinated by Degas, his process, and the beauty of his work. Therefore, I am choosing to get a little off topic to explore some important lessons from Degas and what I like to call his performance art.”

(Traci Lepore a.k.a. @TraciUXD ~ UXmatters)