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Designing effective experiences for financial services

Financial management for people is a great UX design challenge.

“In this article I want to focus on what we can consider from a UX design perspective to address these challenges. I’ll draw from a set of powerful truths about how people evaluate options and make decisions. These have been gleaned from robust research findings within the fields of behavioral decision theory and cognitive psychology.”

(Colleen Roller a.k.a. @DecisionUX ~ UX magazine)

Service Design for Innovative Banking

Financial services are utility services, for all people.

“(…) how service design techniques can produce unique service ideas for the rapidly evolving banking sector. We were lucky to have some fantastic attendees from various European banks and hearing their thoughts on design in their industry was really interesting. I have summarized the content of our workshop and some innovative new financial services in this post.”

(Chris Brooker ~ Service Design Programme)