
InfoDesign makes no attempt to track or determine the identity of individual visitors to our website. Cookies are not used on this site to collect data. The following technical information is captured in server log files: domain name, referring URL, IP address, entry/exit pages and browser and platform types. InfoDesign uses this information for internal purposes only: to compile traffic and statistical analyses leading to website improvements. InfoDesign does not collect personally identifying information about individuals, except when specifically and knowingly provided by such individuals. This information includes: name, title, phone number, company/organization, email, comments, and uploaded resumes. InfoDesign uses contact information for direct communication purposes. Contact information is only shared with InfoDesign representatives who are principally involved with the ongoing development of the site. Although email addresses will not be disclosed to any third party for any purpose, please do not submit contact information if you are concerned with privacy. Technology on the Internet is developing at a rapid pace, and we need to maintain our flexibility. If we need to change our policy in the future, we will post these changes as soon as they go into effect. Any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policies should be directed to Peter J. Bogaards (

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