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Blogs: A Global Conversation

A Master Thesis on the Social Phenomenon of Blogs – “I carried out quantitative research by twice sending out a survey via email to 750 Bloggers who are ranked by Technorati. A total 174 Bloggers filled out the survey. Whether you work in advertising, public relations, marketing, are thinking of using Blogs for a business, want to use Blogs to try and create revenue or want to get an understanding of what is going on in the world of Blogs, the paper may be of interest to you.” (James Torio)

Google Blog Search

“Blog Search is Google search technology focused on blogs. Google is a strong believer in the self-publishing phenomenon represented by blogging, and we hope Blog Search will help our users to explore the blogging universe more effectively, and perhaps inspire many to join the revolution themselves.” (Google)

Social Machines

“The underlying hardware and software will never become invisible, but they will become less obtrusive, allowing us to focus our attention on the actual information being conveyed. Eventually, living in a world of continuous computing will be like wearing eyeglasses: the rims are always visible, but the wearer forgets she has them on—even though they’re the only things making the world clear.” (Wade RoushContinuous Computing)

Blogs & Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?

“Blogs and wikis are flexible practices and technologies that are increasingly being used within companies and organizations to ease the creation and dissemination of information, as well as making it easier for companies to communicate effectively with customers, partners, and the public. This article discusses some of the salient features of blogs and wikis, and give examples of companies who already have implemented one or more of these systems.” (Lauren WoodGilbane Report)


“It is just a name. It is just a game. It is fun to use the board to lay out the Blogosphere Ecosystem. It helps me to think and learn about blogging culture by transforming the original game into this version. I had to think about which company and enterprise to choose and set up first on the board. The space is limited, so I picked well known names in blogging industry. Besides the private properties, there are two public utilities — the water works and the electric company. (…) There is not much difference for me transforming the game than writing a poem, using similes, metaphors and symbols.” – (littleoslo) courtesy of thomas garrood

Up Against Reality: Blogging and the cost of content

“Blogging offers the enticing prospect of a new journalism which is more participatory, more responsive and essentially open to anyone who has something to say. Yet, the process of creating blogs that are rich with quality journalism is also a commercial challenge; one that will re-shape the blogosphere as we move out of an initial period of amateur enthusiasm to create a more mature and sustainable medium.” (Trevor Cook) – courtesy of mark bernstein

Community Blogging

“Basically I have four sections. I’ll talk a wee bit about what constitutes a community. I’m going to rant and rave against the concept of the long tail. I’m going to explore Wittgensteinian theories of meaning. I’m going to talk about distributed network semantics. Now this may sound like it has nothing to do with community, but my intent here is to try to reframe your thoughts on what community is, what community on the web is, and what a community of bloggers is.” (Stephen Downes) – courtesy of petervandijck