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Usability is the ease of use and learnability of a human-made object. (source: Wikipedia)

Get Out of Your Lab, and Into Their Lives

“The proliferation of usability labs is a sign of success for the field of user-centered design. Whether it’s a low-rent lab comprised of a couple adjacent conference rooms, a video camera, and a television, or a fully decked-out space with remote-control cameras, two-way mirrors, an observation room, and bowls of M&Ms — more and more companies are investing in such set-ups. Conducting user tests in labs is probably the most common means of getting user input on projects.” (Peter MerholzAdaptive Path)

Design and Usability for Emerging Telephony

“Designing a product for the future is not a simple question of making two-way technology go faster, last longer, weigh less, or do more. It’s about understanding how devices tap into people’s lives, about how, when, and why we use technology in the ways we do. Design is a tool that helps to envisage our desires as consumers, our expectations as users, and our impulses as human beings. These deep emotional enablers are the ones that tell us how to bring together chips, screens, and microprocessors.” (B.J. Fogg et al. – O’Reilly Emerging Telephony Conference)

Improve the usability of search-results pages

“Product search is the cornerstone of many Web applications. A user’s ability to select what he or she is looking for among millions of search results can make or break the user experience. A cluttered search-results page that is missing the essential filtering and sorting controls squanders customer loyalty and bankrupts sales revenue.” (Greg Nudelman – JavaWorld) – courtesy of webword

Why Ajax Sucks (Most of the Time)

“Judging from the email I receive, the most controversial statement I have made in my Alertbox columns so far was to make ‘the use of Ajax’ one of the mistakes in my list of top ten mistakes in Web design. For new or inexperienced Web designers, I stand by my original recommendation. Ajax: Just Say No. With respect to the use of ajax by highly skilled Web designers, I have changed my opinion somewhat: people who really know what they are doing can sometimes use Ajax to good effect, though even experienced designers are advised to use ajax as sparingly as possible. (…) This is a spoof article. Please compare it with the original and you will see how little it has been changed.” (Constructed by Chris McEvoy with apologies to Jakob Nielsen)

Online International Journal of Usability Studies

“(…) a peer-reviewed, international, online publication dedicated to promote and enhance the practice, research, and education of usability engineering. Its aim is to provide usability practitioners and researchers with a forum to share: empirical findings, usability case studies (research case studies, not business case studies), opinions and experiences (regarding the practice and education of usability engineering), and reports of good practices in usability engineering.” (The Usability Professionals’ Association) – courtesy of markverderbeeken